You can start a translation from the page of the article you want to translate on the journal website: click on the language drop-down menu and choose "Propose a translation" (check that the article has not already been translated into the target language you want)
In order to use the translation tool, you need to create an account. You will need the following information:
You will need to be authenticated in order to work on a translation.
Once submitted, the translation has been submitted, it is moderated by the Académie des Sciences’editorial team. Content moderation consists of assessing the illegality or compatibility of the content with the conditions of use, in order to decide whether to put it online or reject it because of characteristics that are considered potentially inappropriate
or inaccurate.
This does not include systematically scientific moderation.
Once validated by the Publisher, the translation will be published online under the CC BY licence, with an appropriate DOI, and will be available on the Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences’ Website, on the article page of the source article, in html and PDF format. You will be notified of the publication by email. The author of the original article will also be informed.
If you haven’t submitted the translation, you can save the work done on the translation, log out and log in again at any time to resume a translation.